Ashford Dunwoody Road at I-285 is a highly congested urban interchange servicing one of the highest concentrations of commercial office space and retail shopping in the Atlanta area. It has been plagued by congestion for years with an AADT of 55,000 vehicles per day. Atlas was hired to find engineering solutions to the congestion along Ashford Dunwoody. Through microsimulation modeling, it was determined that a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) would provide 5-20% delay relief during the peak hours of traffic. Atlas was then tasked with the interchange modification report, concept development, environmental document and preliminary design. The project consisted of reconstruction of the interchange ramp termini, the demolition and reconstruction of the partial cloverleaf and the conversion of the existing bridge to left-side through traffic to enable the innovative DDI, all on existing right-of-way.
2012 Best Innovative Solution Award – Georgia Partnership for Transportation Quality
2012 Grand Design Award – Georgia Partnership for Transportation Quality
Highway Interchange Modification
Services |
Elements |
Concept Design
Environmental Documents Surveying Civil and Structural Engineering Landscape Design |
Diverging Diamond (Double Crossover Diamond)
Innovative Construction New Pedestrian (ADA) Facilities First in Georgia |